I Want To Kill Cops Until I’m Dead
The above link gives you the full colour zine format (reading format) of the recently published text “I want to Kill Cops Until I’m Dead”, an insurectionalist critique of policing, humanism, gender, and civilisation. A french translation will be published on this site in the coming months- we are also looking for translations into other languages so if you think you can help please leave a comment.
Quotes from the Text
“We understand that for many people (even among self proclaimed anarchist milieus) the word police refers generally to the state apparatchik standing between us and the proliferation of our destructive desire; the ‘thin blue line’ which prevents the breakdown of society, the stick in the carrot and stick motif. Through this discourse we conjure up the image of the cop as a blue uniformed target, carrying a gun, handcuffs, and radio, driving a squad car, and kidnapping our friends. Whist none of these analyses are necessarily incorrect we feel that they miss the bigger picture, ‘policing’ permeates the logic of every social relation, and frames our movement through this world. ‘Police’ is not a job title but rather a description of a series of social relations and actions, police is an act, a living breathing methodology, and a medium of communication. Police is something people do, are doing, have done, not something they are.”
“Destroying police will no just take mass murder, it will take a great undoing, a collaborative revenge aimed at those who have perpetuated the nightmare of police officering. It will mean showing up at the doors of dawdling grandpas with parade uniforms pinned up on their walls and letting off a 9mm in their face.
“Towards the annihilation of police and the destitution of humanity.”